RPM Careers Week & Onsite Teams Day 2023 Toolkit

Posted By: Alana White Education News,

Celebrate Residential Property Management (RPM) Careers Week!

RPM Careers Week runs April 17 - 21 and we’re taking the opportunity to spotlight our members, the many career opportunities available in our field, and share why we love and support the residential property management industry. This social media toolkit focuses on two programs being executed during this week in April:

RPM Careers Week (April 17 – 21)

From April 17 to 21, help us raise awareness about RPM Careers Week by showing off your work and encouraging job seekers to consider careers in residential property management. Join us by sharing your photos or videos of a maintenance professional superstar on your team, a teammate who has had an impact on your career, or write a short post about how your team members landed in their RPM career, along with a photos of team members on the job. There are many ideas and sample posts provided in this toolkit that can be tailored and shared on your channels throughout the week! Please be sure to use the following hashtags: #RPMmoments #CAAPTS

Apartment Onsite Teams Day (Wednesday, April 19)

Apartment Onsite Teams Day is an integral part of the week’s celebrations and an opportunity to highlight the hard work of vital, on-site property teams. This is a great opportunity to show appreciation for the residential property management industry’s onsite staff who keep our apartment communities safe and thriving. Show off your work and inspire job seekers to consider careers in residential property management by sharing photos of your team across your social media channels to raise awareness about Apartment Onsite Teams Day, and encourage your team to post photos and use the hashtags #APTeamsDay and #CAAPTS.

Social media gives us a great opportunity to interact directly with our communities to highlight our industry’s essential workers and career opportunities in residential property management. Your onsite teams have labored tirelessly to keep things running smoothly while addressing very complex and new issues in an environment of extreme uncertainty over the past few years – let’s celebrate them and inspire more talent to join the industry!

In this toolkit, you will find several sample posts that can be used in crafting your messaging for use on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to build awareness and celebrate RPM Careers Week.

Social Media Content

Four pages of sample posts and messaging to use on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn

Social Media Content Tookit 

Social Media Graphics 

Graphics to brighten your social media channel and build awareness.

Social Media Graphic 1
Social Media Graphic 2
Social Media Graphic 3
Social Media Graphic 4
Social Media Graphic 5
Social Media Graphic 6
Social Media Graphic 7
Social Media Graphic 8

Social Media Graphic 9
Social Media Graphic 10
Social Media Graphic 11
Social Media Graphic 12
Social Media Graphic 13

Download All (Zip File)

Social Media Overlays

Incorporate your own graphics into the a RPM Careers Week design. These can be used on your social media channels by inserting pictures of your team, logo, etc

Social Media Overlay Graphic 1
Social Media Overlay Graphic 2
Social Media Overlay Graphic 3
Social Media Overlay Graphic 4
Download All (Zip File)

Also, check out the national toolkit! The National Apartment Association’s RPM careers week toolkit includes recommended celebrations to host throughout the week, and ways in which your team can take part in social media challenges to win prizes.

If you have any questions, please email Alana White at alana@caapts.org